Anne Chandler

Anne Chandler, daughter of an Army officer, studied international relations at Williams and the University of Tennessee, and traveled extensively, discovering that what we think we know and what the facts actually are may be startlingly different. On an "alternative tour" to Israel and Palestine in 2013, she heard the narrative of the Palestinian "al Naqba". After sharing their stories, they asked that she return home and share them with other Americans. This class is the result of that promise.

The Palestinian Narrative: Will 2018 Be the Final Chapter? (Spring Term 2018)

Participant Testimonials:

Leader's knowledge allowed learning to happen at every moment -- she knew how to answer even the strongest obstacles people would offer. And we all ended up friends.

Anne does an enormous amount of work for this class and is very generous with her reference material.

The course, (my first Osher adventure), greatly exceeded my expectations and is exactly what I was seeking.

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