Hilary Llewellyn-Thomas

Hilary Llewellyn-ThomasHilary Llewellyn-Thomas is an emerita professor at Dartmouth’s Institute for Health Policy and Clinical Practice. For over 35 years, in Canada and the USA, she designed and tested methods for studying how people form, revise, and report their personal preferences in close-call healthcare situations. (More recently, she has been developing her skills in writing historical fiction, which may or may not be relevant to this course in decision psychology!)

The Mystery Novel’s Artful Bones (Fall Term 2023)

Participant Testimonials:

Hillary did a good job of organizing the readings and providing, both beforehand and after class notes for followup materials to use on our own. That was much appreciated.

The videos were well chosen and appropriate. Thanks, Hillary, for recognizing that we needed more of them.

Close-Call Decision Making: Why We Go ‘Oops!’ (Fall Term 2022)

Participant Testimonials:

Hilary’s slide presentations were well prepared and instrumental to my understanding of the course reading material.

Hilary is both a subject matter expert as well as an expert in preparing for and leading engaging class sessions.

Appreciating Historical Fiction (Winter Term 2022)

Participant Testimonials: 

Fantastic instructor. Knowledgeable, Enthusiastic, every class was different - great text book, videos, homework exercises, true life experiences

It was all a bonus. Turned out to be a gift of a class.

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