Give to Osher
Dear Osher at Dartmouth Members and Friends:
Osher at Dartmouth provides a chance to engage yourself both intellectually and socially. Our courses allow you opportunities to explore new topics, or take a deeper look at those with which you may already be familiar. Osher at Dartmouth is a community that embraces all members, regardless of age or background.
By giving to Osher at Dartmouth, you provide support for everything our program offers. Your gift enables us to develop new, interesting, and innovative courses. Your generosity provides the funds we need to furnish our classrooms with the equipment and furniture necessary to enhance your learning experience.
We ask that you consider making a gift to the Friends of Osher fund. Your donation is tax deductible, and all contributions go directly to Osher at Dartmouth. Here is a list of the various ways that you can donate to Osher at Dartmouth:
Give Online
Give by Check
Give via check made payable to Friends of Osher. Checks should be mailed to:
C/o Friends of Osher at Dartmouth
Gift Recording Office
6066 Development Office
Hanover, NH 03755-4400
Give by Wire Transfer
To give via a wire transfer, please complete this form. If you have any questions or need additional support, please contact the Gift Recording Office at or by calling (603) 646–0098.
Gifts of securities held by your bank or brokerage or by you offer tax advantages for donors and are easy to make. Your brokerage firm may wire gifts of stock directly into one of Dartmouth’s brokerage accounts. Complete the Investment Office gift form to provide qualifying information about your stock transfer, or contact them directly at or (603) 646–3201.
IRA Charitable Rollover
Consider utilizing your required minimum distribution (RMD) to support Dartmouth. If you are 70.5 years or older, you can make a tax-free distribution from your IRA to Dartmouth. Any qualified contribution up to $100,000 counts toward your required minimum distribution. Your spouse may also make a qualified charitable distribution up to $100,000. To make a gift from your IRA, contact your IRA custodian (Fidelity, Merrill Lynch, Schwab, Vanguard, etc.) and ask the representative to send a check in the amount you desire (up to $100,000) payable to Friends of Osher. Checks should be mailed to:
C/o Friends of Osher at Dartmouth
Gift Recording Office
6066 Development Office
Hanover, NH 03755-4400
Call or email the Gift Recording Office at (603) 646-0098 or and provide the following information:
- your name and class year
- the amount of your check
- the name of the IRA custodian (Fidelity, Merrill Lynch, Schwab, Vanguard, etc.)
- when the check is due to arrive
As a Dartmouth College program, all gifts for the benefit of Osher at Dartmouth are received by the Dartmouth College Advancement office. However, unless you specifiy otherwise, all bequests to Osher at Dartmouth will be managed at the direction of the Leadership Council of Osher at Dartmouth.
The Gift Planning website is a primary source of information.
To make a Bequest to Osher at Dartmouth, it is important to use the language in the sample below:
Bequest Language Sample
A restricted use bequest:
"I hereby give, devise and bequeath to the Trustees of Dartmouth College _____ dollars
($_____), or _____ percent (_____ %) of my (residuary) estate, to be used for the
benefit of (The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute) at Dartmouth College. If at some
time in the future this purpose no longer exists, the Trustees may use the funds for
any purpose which, in their opinion, most nearly approximates the Donor’s stated purpose."