Spring Term 2025

April 7 - June 13, 2025

This Week's Courses:

This calendar lists courses only; click here to view our complete calendar!

Spring 2025 registration is open!

Spring 2025 course catalog

Click the image above to view the course catalog. Move through the pages using the right and left arrows. You can click on Study Leader names (in both the catalog and on this page, below) to view biographies.

This file and our print catalog feature brief course descriptions; for FULL course descriptions, click on the course links listed below.

Monday Courses


9:30 AM.....George Angwin.....Nero Wolfe’s New York, the Brownstone Detectives
9:30 AM.....Peter Paquette.....The French in North America: 1500 - Today
12:30 PM.....Stephen Hackman.....Poetry Workshop
3:30 PM.....Joel Lazar and Susie Stevens.....Mindful Living in Modern Times
3:30 PM.....Ford Daley.....The Music of World War II
4:30 PM.....Robin Fisher.....The Art of Narrative Storytelling


9:00 AM.....Thomas Hodgson.....Whose Declaration?: Reflecting on the Meaning and Significance of the Declaration of Independence


12:30 PM.....Iain Sim.....In Your Genes: Another Year, Another Nobel Prize (In-Zoom)

Tuesday Courses


10:00 AM.....Lela Jaacks.....Art of Wellness: Human Design & Healing Power of Essential Oils Intro
12:30 PM.....Thomas Ebert.....Ten Discoveries and Care Innovations Which Profoundly Changed Clinical Practice
2:00 PM.....Dianne Burger.....Unlock Your Creativity: Handbuilding with Clay at Blackberry Hill 


9:00 AM.....Peter Gilbert.....Robert Frost’s First Book: A Boy’s Will
11:30 AM.....Jim Bays.....The U.S. Constitution - The Great American Mulligan
2:00 PM.....Richard Neugass.....Josh Gibson or Ty Cobb? African Americans in Baseball, 1860 - Present


9:00 AM.....John Sanders and Jim Wooster.....Great Decisions 2025 (Zoom)
10:00 AM.....Maynard Goldman.....The First Hundred Days (In-Person)
10:00 AM.....Maynard Goldman.....The First Hundred Days (Livestream)
3:30 PM.....Martin Jeffries.....“A Sort of National Property:” British National Parks Are a Different Kettle of Fish (In-Person)
3:30 PM.....Martin Jeffries.....“A Sort of National Property:” British National Parks Are a Different Kettle of Fish (Zoom)

Wednesday Courses


10:30 AM.....Ellen Jonsson.....Creative Photography: Structures and Streets
11:30 AM.....David Grant.....Huck and "James"
1:00 PM.....Lee Mayman.....Art Direction in Film
3:30 PM.....Deborah Springhorn.....Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice
3:30 PM.....Jackson Penfield-Cyr.....The Art of Aging Gracefully: Stress & Seven Resources for Resilience
4:00 PM.....Beverly Marshall, Vic Henningsen, Bob Jakoubek, Laney Sammons, Steve Solomon.....Women of the White House: The Impact of Six First Ladies


9:00 AM.....Sarwar Kashmeri.....A Historic Turning Point for America and the World
9:00 AM.....Lee Webster.....Final Rights: Creating Eco-friendly, Affordable, and Meaningful Funerals
9:00 AM.....Lee Webster.....Mingling My Tears With Yours: Writing Meaningful Condolence Cards and Authentic Obituaries
2:00 PM.....Robert Grafstein.....Politics and the American Working Class


9:30 AM.....Bob Rougvie.....Mussolini — the Rise and Fall of the First Fascist (In-Person)
9:30 AM.....Bob Rougvie.....Mussolini — the Rise and Fall of the First Fascist (Zoom)
2:00 PM.....Valerie Miller.....Early U.S. Women’s Movement: Inspiration for Today (In-Person)
2:00 PM.....Valerie Miller.....Early U.S. Women’s Movement: Inspiration for Today (Zoom)

Thursday Courses


9:30 AM.....Patti Warren.....Beginning Watercolor, Part Two
9:30 AM.....Susan McCaslin.....The Book of Job
10:00 AM.....Mark Harvey.....The Guardians of America’s National Parks
12:30 PM.....Pat Cook.....The Art of Correspondence
1:00 PM.....Linda Galvan.....Listening to Bach’s Unaccompanied Cello Suites


2:00 PM.....Peter Adler.....Telling Your Family’s Story, Past and Present
2:00 PM.....Morris Kaplan......Spanish Grammar and Conversation, Part 3
3:00 PM.....L Jon Grogan.....The Scramble for Africa (Or, How the African Countries Got Their Shapes)
4:00 PM.....Shawn Martin.....Giving Voice to Values: Having Difficult Conversations in a Polarized World

Friday Courses


1:00 PM.....David Smith.....Protecting Ourselves From Scammers & Hackers
2:00 PM.....Moby Pearson.....Vienna and the Golden Age of String Quartets & Symphonies ~ 1785-1805


10:00 AM.....Maryanne Garbowsky.....Ernest Hemingway Remembers: A Moveable Feast


10:30 AM.....Ralph Hammock.....And Then God Said (In-Person)
10:30 AM.....Ralph Hammock.....And Then God Said (Zoom)

Special Schedule - Tuesday/Thursday


9:00 AM.....Phyllis Deutsch.....George Eliot’s Daniel Deronda

Last Updated