Fall Term 2024

August 20 - December 19, 2024

2024 fall catalog online  

Click to view the online catalog.

2024 fall catalog print black and white   Click to view and download a printable black-and-white copy.


Registration opens Tuesday, July 30 at 12:01 AM!

Printed copies of the catalog started mailing July 26. We apologize if copies have not arrived by the time registration opens, and hope these online materials help as you prepare to select fall courses.

Make sure your membership is purchased BEFORE you begin registration. (Membership purchases/renewals cannot be processed online in the same transaction with course registrations.)

Here's the list of fall courses offered by our phenomenal Study Leaders!

Monday Courses

9:30 AM.....Bob Rougvie.....The French in Vietnam - Colonialism vs. Nationalism
9:30 AM.....Steve Shama & Ellen Terie.....The Color of Truth is Grey...Or Is It?
12:30 PM.....Marge Cunningham.....Lean Living: Using the 5-S Method to Organize Your Home
3:30 PM.....Martin Jeffries.....The Icy Ends of the Earth: The Arctic & Antarctica Explained

9:30 AM.....Charlie Buell.....The Civil Rights Movements of the 1960s
9:30 AM.....Peter Graves.....The History of American Skiing Through the Dartmouth Skiing Lens
9:30 AM.....Rick Hutchins.....Creating Photobooks and Calendars
10:00 AM.....John Peterman.....The Life and Early Films of Marlon Brando
12:30 PM.....Hank Buermeyer.....Ennio Morricone: Master of the Soundtrack
2:30 PM.....David Henderson.....Trial of Anne Hutchinson: Liberty, Law, and Intolerance in New England

10:30 AM.....William North.....Hormones, The Tireless Choreographers of Life
2:00 PM.....Richard Neugass & David Glass.....The Beatles Weren’t Really So Great! (Or Were They?)
2:00 PM.....Annie Ross.....Svaroopa® Yoga - Gentle, Deep and Profound
4:30 PM.....Alicia Barber.....Alzheimer’s and Dementia Today: Knowledge is Power

Tuesday Courses

9:30 AM.....Dan Cunningham.....Energy Alternatives: Climate Change and Prosperity
12:30 PM.....Thomas Burke.....Perspectives on the Holocaust

9:00 AM.....Tom Urgo.....Revisiting Ken Burns’ Epic Civil War
9:30 AM.....Phil Tierney.....Apocalypse Now: The Book of Revelation and Its Influence on U.S. Politics
10:00 AM.....Guy Collins.....Byzantium: Where God Became Human
12:30 PM.....David Grant.....Robert Penn Warren’s All the King’s Men—In THIS Election Year!
12:30 PM.....Vic Henningsen.....“Madness Rules the Hour” — Division and Disaster in the 1850s
12:30 PM.....John Peterman.....The Fascinating Stories Behind the Most Popular Christmas Songs
2:00 PM.....Dianne Burger.....Unlock Your Creativity: Handbuilding with Clay
2:00 PM.....Elinor Gregor.....Mah Jongg for Beginners
3:30 PM.....Ford Daley.....Duos and Duets in American Popular Music

9:00 AM.....Rai d'Honoré.....Taking it Underground: Special Operations Executive
4:00 PM.....Jay Sherwin.....Writing a ‘Legacy Letter’
6:00 PM.....Kaushal Trivedi.....Who Am I?—Bhagavad Gita and Vedanta View

Wednesday Courses

9:30 AM.....Stephen O'Dwyer.....Mindfulness Meditation

9:00 AM.....Scott Rappeport.....The First World War in Africa: The Historical Background of the Movie The African Queen
9:15 AM.....John Peterman.....Dinah, Cicely, and Sarah:  A 100th Birthday Celebration of Three Women Who Changed America
9:30 AM.....Toni Egger.....A Taste of August Wilson’s “Century Cycle”
1:00 PM.....Jo Evarts.....Heart and Soul of the Cornish Colony
5:00 PM.....Dan DeMars.....Mercury, Gemini & Apollo, NASA’s Golden Agen: A 50- Year Retrospective

9:00 AM.....Lee Webster.....Navigating Funerals: A How-to for the Informed Consumer
11:00 AM.....Abe Vorensky.....Comedy Highlights in Standup and Sitcoms
2:00 PM.....Robert Grafstein.....Not If But How: Proposals to Reform Social Security
2:00 PM.....Alan Perper.....American Civics 101+ —A Crash Course!

Thursday Courses

9:30 AM.....Evan Roberts.....How to Manage Your Retirement Plan in Volatile Times

9:30 AM.....Thomas Ebert.....American Healthcare is Irrational, Inequitable and (Very) Expensive: Can It Be Fixed?
9:30 AM.....Patti Warren.....Better Beginnings in Watercolor
10:00 AM.....Jon Stableford.....Is Gatsby Still Great?
11:00 AM.....Jeanne Shafer.....Living with Sculpture: Renaissance Artwork 1400-1750 from the Hood Collection
12:30 PM.....Edward Bradley.....Virgil’s Aeneid
12:30 PM.....Gael Clauson.....Rock Your Writing...An Introduction to Hand Lettering
12:30 PM.....Mark Harvey.....The Saviors of America’s National Parks
12:30 PM.....Sarah Welsch.....“Queens of British Crime”: Christie, Allingham, Sayers, Marsh, & Tey
1:00 PM.....Gloria Finkelstein.....Active French - French Promenades (Section 1)
1:00 PM.....Gloria Finkelstein.....Active French - French Promenades (Section 2)
2:00 PM.....Moby Pearson.....Great Music That Gives Us Hope and Inspiration
5:00 PM.....Harold Frost.....Computing Before Electronic Calculators

9:00 AM.....Larry Crocker.....Philosophy: What You Always Wanted to Know But Were Afraid to Ask
10:00 AM.....Buck Beasom.....Battleships
2:00 PM.....Morris Kaplan.....Spanish Grammar & Conversation, Part 1

Friday Courses

9:30 AM.....Hanan Miron.....Israel: A Lesson in Democracy
9:30 AM.....Jack Sammons.....“The Origin of A Work of Art”: An Introduction to the Later Heidegger
9:30 AM.....PBE Initiative.....Reversing Climate Change Through Plant-Based Eating
10:30 AM.....Ellen Jonsson.....Creative Photography 3: Inspiration From Nature
12:30 PM.....Lela Jaacks.....Art of Wellness: Human Design & Healing Power of Essential Oils Intro
12:30 PM.....Bob Jakoubek.....Presidents and Civil Rights: From FDR to Nixon
1:00 PM.....Linda Galvan.....Listening to Bach’s Unaccompanied Cello Suites
1:00 PM.....John Peterman.....Dinah, Cicely, and Sarah: A 100th Birthday Celebration of Three Women Who Changed America
1:00 PM.....John Peterman.....The Fascinating Stories Behind the Most Popular Christmas Songs
2:00 PM.....Jed Williamson.....Triumph of the Human Spirit—High Mountains, Vast Oceans, Extreme Cold, Remote Settings

1:00 PM.....Douglas Stowell.....Pundits, Polls & Politics! The ‘24 Election!
9:30 AM.....Gail McPeek & Adair Mulligan.....Exploring Hanover’s Conserved Lands (includes field trips)

Weekends & Special Schedules

Saturdays.....9:30 AM.....David Bisno.....Whose Land Is It, Anyway?
Tuesdays (every other).....9:30 AM.....Alice Schori & Lynnwood Andrews.....Fall Botany 2024
Tuesday & Friday.....3:00 PM.....Beverly Marshall.....Once Is Not Enough: Three Original Films and Their Remakes
Wednesday (and 1 Thursday).....10:00 AM.....Maynard Goldman.....The Greatest Show on Earth—The Road to the White House
Wednesday & Friday.....9:30 AM.....Jim Bays.....A Horse Designed by a Committee: The Electoral College

Tuesday & Thursday.....9:00 AM.....Phyllis Deutsch.....The House of Mirth by Edith Wharton




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