Kaushal Trivedi
Kaushal is passionate about giving back to the community on various learning topics, including Science, Mathematics, and Technology, Yoga and Meditation, Sanskrit Language and Bhagavad Gita Philosophy. He possesses proven skills in team leadership, communication, ability to bring out the best attributes, and drive to achieve. As a certified Yoga and Meditation teacher, he teaches yoga and meditation at Rutgers Recreation Center to all ages of students.
Who Am I?—Bhagavad Gita and Vedanta View (Fall Term 2024)
Participant Testimonials:
The instructor's passion, knowledge and preparation for the session was clearly evident. I enjoyed taking his class.
This course was very rich with information and I am very grateful for his sharing of his knowledge. It is really a life’s worth of work and so it was just a very high level introduction.
Improve Memory with Mental Mathematics (Winter Term 2024)
Participant Testimonials:
Kaushal did an excellent job organizing and explaining the material.
Absolutely prepared with great powerpoint slides.