With over 65 volunteers serving on committees to guide, promote, and develop our programming. Interested in joining a committee? Please contact the committee chair to receive further information.
Leadership Council
The Leadership Council provides guidance to all other committees within the organization. Members are elected each year.
Current Members
Peter Paquette (President), Iain Sim, Jim Dunaway (Secretary), Pam Ahlen, Jaci Allen, Gene Currotto (Treasurer), Terrance Darcey, Toni Egger, Maynard Goldman, Mary Grizzard, Ann Hargraves, Lisa King (Program Director), Hilary Llewellyn-Thomas, Jim Lynch, Susan McCaslin, Cam Moore, John Peterman, Alan Schnur, Steve Shama, Steve Tofel (Past-President), Mary-Ella Zietz (Provost Office Liaison)
Council meets the final Friday of each month.
Curriculum Committee
The mission of Curriculum Committee is to ensure that Osher at Dartmouth's course offerings and special lectures are extensive, diverse, appealing, and successful.
Current Members
Hilary Llewellyn-Thomas (Chair), Pam Ahlen, Ginia Allison, Anne Baird, Charlie Buell, Phyllis Deutsch, Judith Dixon, Jim Dunaway, Genevieve Godin, Vic Henningsen, Martin Jeffries, Barbara Jones, Beverly Marshall, Cam Moore, Richard Neugass, Peter Paquette (ex officio), Mary Anne Rankin, Laney Sammons, Laura Schneider, Steve Shama, David Smith, Steve Solomon, Judith Strull, Melinda Stucker, Rob Taylor, Patti Warren, Phyllis Whitney, Jed Williamson, Jim Wilson
Staff Liaison: Lisa King
Committee meets the first Monday of each month.
Finance Committee
The mission of the finance committee is to enable Osher at Dartmouth to fulfill its mission by managing its financial resources.
Current Members
Gene Currotto (Treasurer), Martin Blumberg, Hank Clarke, Steve Kelley (Vice-Chair Finance), Hilary Llewellyn-Thomas, Terry Martin, Nelly Palmer, Peter Paquette (ex officio), Alan Schnur, Mary-Ella Zietz (Provost Office Liaison)
Staff Liaison: Lisa King
Committee meets the third Wednesday of each month.
Governance Committee
The Governance Committee is responsible for conducting elections of Osher at Dartmouth members to the Leadership Council; ensuring that Osher at Dartmouth is operating in accordance with its bylaws, recommending bylaw additions or changes when needed; and shall each year select and present to the Leadership Council recipients of the Thomas B. Campion Award.
Current Members
Iain Sim (Chair), Pam Ahlen, Toni Egger, Mary Grizzard, Hilary Llewellyn-Thomas, Susan McCaslin, Peter Paquette (ex officio), Steve Tofel
Staff Liaison: Sarah Chamberlin
Committee meets quarterly.
Membership Committee
The Membership Committee is responsible for recruiting and retaining members. The Committee’s activities include: recruiting and encouraging participation of new members; developing a communication strategy that increases membership and engagement; organizing events and programs designed to promote socialization among members; and implementing fundraising activities for the Friends of Osher Fund.
Current Members
Jaci Allen, Ralph Hammock, Jim Lynch, Peter Paquette (ex officio), John Peterman, Laura Schneider, Iain Sim, Ellen Terie
Staff Liaison: Sarah Chamberlin
Committee meets the first Monday of each month.
Partnership Committee
The Partnership Committee is responsible for attracting, engaging, and retaining businesses and nonprofit organizations as partners of Osher. The purpose of the Partner Program is threefold: 1) to develop mutually beneficial relationships that enhance the Osher educational mission and benefit the community partner; 2) to increase partner constituent awareness of Osher programs and member benefits; 3) to develop Osher sponsors. Establishing customized partnerships secures new sources of revenue, new members and study leaders, and increases community engagement.
Current Members
Richard Neugass (Chair), Harvey Bazarian, Ralph Hammock, Jim Lynch, Peter Paquette (ex-officio), Jeff Roosevelt, Steve Tofel
Staff Liaison: Sarah Chamberlin
Committee meets the second Monday of each month.
Planning Committee
The Planning Committee is responsible for examining the future needs of Osher at Dartmouth, and reports its findings to the Council.
Current Members
Steve Tofel (Chair), Hank Clarke, Brian Edwards, Joan Hartwell, Hilary Llewellyn-Thomas, Terry Martin, Peter Paquette (ex officio), Iain Sim, Punch Taylor
Staff Liaison: Diane Doe
Committee meets the third Monday of each month.
Summer Lecture Series Committee
The Summer Lecture Series is responsible for planning and bringing in speakers for the annual lecture series.
Current Members
Ann Hargraves (Chair), Ginia Allison, Pete Bleyler (Vice Chair), Martha Clark, Gene Currotto, Ellen Frost, Peter Paquette (ex officio), John Sanders, Steve Shama, Bill Sullivan, Steve Tofel, Jim Wooster
Staff Liaisons: Lisa King, Sarah Chamberlin
Committee meets the first Tuesday of each month.