Edward Bradley

Retired professor of Classics at Dartmouth College with broad interests and experience in teaching Latin and Greek literature, Roman and early Christian art and architecture.

Homer’s Iliad, translation by Richmond Lattimore (Winter Term 2024)

Participant Testimonials:

I've had a lot of formal education and this was easily one of the best courses I've ever taken.  I've learned more about the Iliad than I would have thought possible and enjoyed every moment of the class.

Superb professor; had taught The Iliad at Dartmouth for years and it showed!

Homer's Odyssey (Fall Term 2023)

Participant Testimonials:

I was especially appreciative of Ed's knowledge of classical Greek and how he was able to expand upon Lattimore's translation of specific words and phrases.

Prof. Bradley has a vast knowledge of not only Homer's work but of ancient Greece and Rome generally. It was a delight to learn from him.

Elementary Latin for Beginners (Winter Term 2023)

Participant Testimonials:

Professor Bradley’s knowledge is vast, very engaging and encouraging leader. It was a pleasure to learn from him.

Edward Bradley is masterful, a Renaissance man.

(Fall Term '24)

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