Buck Beasom
Buck Beasom worked in the private sector for 40 years in accounting, finance, systems
design, applications development, and database administration.The last three decades
of that career included 20+ years teaching Business and Economics to conventional
and adult college students and a five-year stint teaching History. He teaches courses
for OLLI Chapters all across the country.
100 D-Days: The War Against the Rising Sun (Fall Term 2023)
Participant Testimonials:
Buck is a highly skilled presenter, moving with detail over a complex subject while accommodating and respecting questions.
Participants were encouraged to ask questions as they occurred to them which engaged the audience and kept up the pace of this highly responsive presentation.
The War in the Skies: Europe 1939-1945 (Winter Term 2023)
Participant Testimonials:
What a great class! The visuals are excellent. Buck does a superb job providing informative facts and answering questions.
Excellent description of history, tech, battle strategy and tactics.
He was more than prepared. The couple of times he did not have a quick answer, he researched it and responded next class.
(Fall Term '24)