Margaret Cunningham

Margaret Cunningham

Marge Cunningham retired in 2020 after a 35- year career teaching Operations Management at Xavier University in Cincinnati. She also served a term as Department Chair and another as Director of Xavier’s Sedler Center for Experiential Learning. Her main areas of focus are lean principles, process improvement, supply chains, and experiential learning. She is an avid horsewoman and also enjoys crafts and outdoor activities with her grandchildren and traveling with her husband Dan.


Introduction to Supply Chains for Consumers (Spring Term 2024)

Participant Testimonials: 

I was quite surprised at the complexity involving supply chains and this course was very helpful.

Lean Living: Organizing Your Home with the 5S Method (Spring Term 2023)

Participant Testimonials:

A course for every homeowner. Margaret kept us engaged by encouraging us to undertake projects in our homes and complete steps in line with the curriculum and highly recommended.

The leader's use of her examples brought issues home to members of the class.

The Leader was very knowledgeable about her subject, not only from its business source but also from her experience in relating 5S concepts to everyday living. 

Introduction To Supply Chains for Consumers (Winter Term 2023)

Participant Testimonials:

She was very well informed about her subject manner and imparted it clear and understandable.

She engaged all of us and especially those who had had experience in businesses that involved with supply chains.

Very well prepared and knew the topic backwards and forwards.

Lean Living: Using the 5-S Method to Organize Your Home (Winter Term 2022)

Participant Testimonials:

Class really boosted my motivation to tackle projects I’ve been procrastinating on.

Margaret was well organized and always well prepared for class.

(Fall Term '24)

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