Lynnwood Andrews
Lynnwood Andrews is a retired clinical child psychologist who has taken botany and
plant identification classes through Osher, and at the Native Plant Trust. She has
volunteered for several environmental and conservation groups focused on plants.
Spring Wildflowers and Ferns - Wednesdays (Spring Term 2024)
Participant Testimonials:
The books are great, and it was most helpful to be introduced to the classification systems.
Instructors very knowledgable, very kind. Overall I enjoyed this course immensely.
Spring Wildflowers and Ferns - Tuesdays (Spring Term 2024)
Participant Testimonials:
There were always specific plants the Alice and Lynwood planned to show us, but they allowed serendipity and our questions to lead the class as much as their plans.
They were always willing to answer questions and engage with participants. If they didn't know something, they referenced their field books which re-enforced how to use those resources.
Winter Botany (Winter Term 2024)
Participant Testimonials:
We identified a number of trees, shrubs, and herbaceous plants by their winter characteristics.
Love the content, pace, and organization. What could be better than walking a trail with like-minded botany enthusiasts?
Fall Botany 2023 (Fall Term 2023)
Participant Testimonials:
This is second course I've taken with Alice and Lynnwood and they are so knowledgable, one can't help learning a lot!
The instructors know their strengths and play off of them, but both are great communicators, and because of their passion for the subject, are very responsive to questions, plus offer resources for further exploration.
Spring Wildflowers and Ferns (Spring Term 2023)
Participant Testimonials:
This course exceeded my expectations and gave me a greater understanding of native plants and their importance in the ecosystem.
The course was terrific in every way. I am looking forward to taking another with Alice and Lynnwood.
Winter Botany 2023 (Winter Term 2023)
Participant Testimonials:
The class was fascinating. Lynnwood was very, very knowledgeable and presented the material well. She had examples to show from the library's collection and her own that made it much easier to understand and appreciate how bookbindings are made.
Alice and Lynnwood were both knowledgeable and well-prepared. Even more important, they were great role models in approaching the landscape and studying its species.
Fall Botany 2022 (Fall Term 2022)
Participant Testimonials:
They listed plants, answered all questions, and soooo patient with slow walkers like me!
We hiked at various nature preserves and conservation land - all diverse and accompanied by a list of plants with familiar names and botanicals - vetted by Alice and Lynnwood in advance!
I would be happy to participate in this course every season; always more to learn—Alice and Lynwood are wonderfully pleasant, infinite sources of knowledge.
Spring Wildflowers and Ferns (Spring Term 2022)
Participant Testimonials:
Alice and Lynnwood have a fantastic depth of knowledge about wildflowers and ferns and can impart that knowledge to their students.
Lynnwood fills in local knowledge and conservation issues that interested me very much.
(Fall Term '24)