Lee Webster
Lee Webster is an internationally recognized writer, educator, and public speaker
on funeral reform. She has served in major leadership positions of the Green Burial
Council, Conservation Burial Alliance, National Home Funeral Alliance, National End-of-Life
Doula Alliance, and is the director of NH and VT Funeral Resources & Education. She
is author of several home funeral and green burial books, and instructor in adult
ed, universities, mortuary schools, and Redesigning the End.com classes.
Green Funerals: Separating Fact From Fiction (Winter Term 2024)
Participant Testimonials:
Lee gave her full presentation and still had time to thoroughly answer all questions.
Lee was fantastic on every level. A great teacher who knows her subject inside out, explains everything so clearly, welcomes all questions.
Eco-friendly, Affordable, and Meaningful Funerals (Fall Term 2023)
Participant Testimonials:
Good discussions following her talk. Lee handles discussions well and engages the class easily.
Lee is a wonderful instructor. She creates an experience that's relaxed, fun, conveys a lot of content in ways that make it easy to remember, and normalizes a sensitive topic so we feel quite comfortable with it.
Eco-friendly, Affordable, and Meaningful Funerals (Spring Term 2022)
Participant Testimonials:
The course provided a comprehensive understanding of the ins and outs of creating funerals that are better for the environment and participants. I truly had no idea how many aspects of a funeral we can control. My blinders have been removed!
I wanted a detailed understanding of green burial and home funerals--- the course exceeded my expectation.
It’s Your Funeral: How Will You Go Out? (Fall Term 2021)
Participant Testimonials:
Above and beyond my expectations.
Wonderful presentation, well-paced, good visuals, covered the subject well.
Mingling Sincerely My Tears with Yours: Condolence Letters (Fall Term 2020)
Participant Testimonials:
Her discussions, plus the interactions of the participants and the literature she put on Google Drive were excellent.
Exactly what I was expecting. It was wonderful.
(Fall Term '24)