Peter Blodgett

Headshot of Peter BlodgettPeter Blodgett has facilitated Osher courses exploring Small Libraries in the Upper Valley, the history of the Dartmouth College Grant, American Nations, and Prisoners of Geography.




American Character (Summer Term 2018)

Participant Testimonials:

This class was what I expected it to be based on the excellent book being studied. Fascinating and illuminating discussions - lead primarily by participants - in each class.

Peter is an excellent facilitator for this kind of class. We had very knowledgeable and interesting classmates which made for a good class. 

Upper Valley Libraries Tour — Books & Beyond (Summer Term 2018)

Participant Testimonials:

Outstanding guidance in discussion by Peter Blodgett.

This class was true to its catalog description and thoroughly enjoyable.

Prisoners of Geography: Ten Maps That Explain Everything About the World

Participant Testimonials:

Terrific leader, great organization, very readable text, great resources on the website, good class size, and excellent participation - one of the best I have taken!

Very informative course about how geography and man's ignoring the implications of geography, has impacted world events.

(Summer Term '18)

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