Harte Crow

Harte Crow

Harte Crow is a retired physician with a life-long interest in architecture, stimulated during his college years when he took a course in art history, the architecture portion of which was taught by Yale's great architectural historian, Vincent Scully. In addition to his interest in Wright, Crow has led Osher at Dartmouth courses on other master architects of the 20th Century.

Henry Ford — The Man, His Company, and Its Products (Spring Term 2019)

Participant Testimonials:

Harte did a great job of leading the class and encouraging discussions.

The course and lectures were well organized and well researched.

Frank Lloyd Wright in the 1930's — Rebirth & Revolution (Spring Term 2018)

Participant Testimonials:

Really positive - his presentation is very thought out, lots of super pictures, I enjoy his information, he's easy to follow.

I love the sharing of Mr. Crowe's photographs, and, of course, his knowledge.

He is very engaging.


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