Jim Wooster
Jim received his undergraduate degree from Dartmouth College, and an MS degree in
Engineering and Business Administration (the Tuck-Thayer Program). After serving in
the Navy, he had a career with New England Telephone and NYNEX. Jim has been co-leader
of the “Great Decisions” course for the past 24 years.
Great Decisions (Spring Term 2024)
Participant Testimonials:
This was the single most rewarding class that I have taken. The effort to put this together with the speakers brought in was outstanding. This is a course I look forward to taking in 2025 as they have really did a marvelous job. Bravo to both!!!
The course was excellent, focusing on some of the most important issues facing us in the troubled world today.
As always, I loved this Osher course. Osher provides an important and valuable resource for our community to learn more about ourselves and our world and to share our thoughts with one another.
Great Decisions 2023 (Spring Term 2023)
Participant Testimonials:
A very well-organized class with very good guest speakers and lively class discussion. Each topic module was comprehensive and I learned at lot.
Both instructors and our zoom coordinator were really very good. Kudos for finding such a fine group of speakers. The zoom and internal audience went off very well.
Great Decisions 2020 (Fall Term 2020)
Participant Testimonials:
The speakers were very knowledgeable. The discussions were lively. The participants asked pertinent questions and the speakers were able to answer them well.
The speakers were excellent, adding a lot to the readings. I found each one stimulating.
Great Decisions (Spring Term 2019)
Participant Testimonials:
Leaders were very well prepared and ran the course well; topics were wide ranging and intellectually challenging.
Great course. This is the star of all Osher courses! The leaders get interesting, knowledgeable people to present the lively current issues presented by the Foreign Policy Ass'n.
Great Decisions (Spring Term 2018)
Participant Testimonials:
Fantastic - speakers were all engaging & knowledgeable.
Extremely well organized. Leaders were skillful in making sure that all class members had an opportunity to participate. Excellent guest presenters!
(Spring Term '24)