Kevin Moquin

Headshot of Kevin MoquinKevin is the Senior Staff Attorney at the New Hampshire Bureau of Securities Regulation, and has been with the Bureau for 17 years. He supervises the Bureau's examinations and registrations and is the Bureau's hearing officer. Kevin graduated from Suffolk University Law School in Boston.

Seniors and Investing: Don’t Be the Next Victim, Protect Your Financial Future (Winter Term 2020)

Participant Testimonials: 

It was a good review and reminder for us as well as new information.

Seniors and Investing: Don't Be the Next Victim, Protect Your Financial Future (Spring Term 2018)

Participant Testimonials:

"Both presenters were well prepared with appropriate handouts. Encouraged questions that were all answered thoughtfully. Followed their outlines and kept to their timetable."

"These two sessions were dense with information, and handouts were available to augment the verbal content. It was excellent."


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