Scott Rappeport
Scott Rappeport lives in Sunapee and holds an engineering degree from Lehigh University
and a PhD from Stanford University in Earth Sciences. In his career he has worked
for the USGS, Exxon Research, AT&T Bell Laboratories, and General Dynamics, conducting
offshore geophysical studies and design/development of marine high reliability systems.
He follows English Premier League soccer, loves the outdoors, and is keenly interested
in history and climate and the role of human psychology in game theory.
Geologic Evolution Of The White Mountains (Spring Term 2022)
Participant Testimonials:
Demonstrated great expertise in spite of participants throwing him a lot of curve balls!
This course widened my horizon in unimaginable ways–would have been better if one had this info at an earlier age, it would have made one more curious throughout life.
Volcanoes, Environmental Shocks and Civilization (Spring Term 2021)
Participant Testimonials:
This is the third course I have had with Scott Rappaport and he is always interesting, factual and stimkulating as a teacher.
One of the best courses ever. Eye-opening view of geology and its impact on human history.
The Pinocchio Signal – Personal Media Literacy in the Information Age (Spring Term 2020)
Participant Testimonials:
Scott was impressively prepared for each and every class. His examples were thoughtfully chosen.
Outstanding presentation with an invitation to speak to each class topic.
What Lies Beneath The Waves (Spring Term 2019)
Participant Testimonials:
Scott is a gifted study leader, and his love for and remarkable knowledge of submarine geology are infectious. His presentations were understandable for those of us without a science background. The course was absolutely fascinating, and I highly recommend it!
Scott did a fantastic job; the course was extremely well organized, and the tons of information was presented in really interesting formats - wonderful videos, photographs, and good presentation of the scientific data etc.
(Fall Term '24)