Susan Brown
Susan Brown has lived in the area for more than 45 years and has been teaching with
ILEAD and Osher for more than 15 years. She holds degrees in Anthropology and Classics
from Cornell and Dartmouth. She taught Latin, French, and English for too long to
mention. In 2000 she won the Wiencke Award presented by the Classics Association of
New England for excellence in teaching. Now retired and loving it, she volunteers
for Northern Stage and runs the Broom Project at the Enfield Shaker Museum.
Linguam Latinam Discite! Prima Lingua (Spring Term 2019)
Participant Testimonials:
Excellent class by an outstanding Study Leader. She is very supportive and patient, and a font of interesting asides.
Susan is a confident and very experienced instructor. She kept the class moving but never left any of us behind.
Linguam Latinam Discite! Prima Lingua (Winter Term 2019)
Participant Testimonials:
I loved Susan's affability, enthusiasm, and encouragement.
The informality and the variety of readings were fun.
Linguam Latinam Discite! Prima Lingua (Fall Term 2018)
Participant Testimonials:
Susan is an outstanding teacher, the class was highly motivated, and we made a lot of progress. We never had a dull class and the course had a wonderful finale.
Susan is extremely knowledgeable and interested in offering any information we seek. Her quiet enthusiasm and is a gift to the whole class.
Virgil's Aeneid, Another Odyssey (Fall Term 2017)
Participant Testimonials:
Susan was laid back, but also prepared and incisive.
Study Leader's historical and literary knowledge were a definite plus, as were the helpful visual aids she employed from time to time. Her intimate understanding Latin--Vergil's language--was a real plus, both as an intuitive tool, but also as a measure of the strengths and weaknesses of modern attempts to translate the work into English.
Discussions were fun, and Susan encouraged us to participate. Everyone's ideas were welcomed into the discussion.
(Spring Term '19)