Valerie Miller
For over 35 years, Valerie Miller has collaborated with colleagues around the world to develop and expand women's leadership. At JASS, a global network of activists and scholars, Dr. Miller facilitates workshops and research on power, advocacy, and social movements. As a family planning counselor, community organizer, advocate, author, and leader of national human rights coalitions, she draws on her rich experiences to stimulate participation, deepen discussion and inspire reflection and action.
Social Movements: The Challenge and Promise (Spring Term 2023)
Participant Testimonials:
The PowerPoint was excellent. As were the videos on Ghandi and Liberia.
Valerie was very successful in bringing the zoom participants into the classroom. She was comfortable presenting the material and clearly has great expertise in the subject matter.
Women’s Suffrage (Fall Term 2022)
Participant Testimonials:
I learned a so much, even as a lifelong feminist and someone who had previously taken a course led by Valerie!
Excellent Presentation using the PowerPoint. Visuals excellent and summary statements at the bottom of each slide.
Third Summer International Women's Rights Film Festival (Summer 2018)
Participant Testimonials:
Valerie picked excellent and relevant films.
The course attracts participants who are knowledgable and interactive.