How It All Works

You have an idea? Share your passion. Propose an Osher course.

This website has been designed to walk you through the process of 

  1. submitting a course proposal
  2. participating in an orientation,
  3. designing your course with adult learners in mind, 
  4. learning the ins and outs of teaching the course at Osher, and finally, 
  5. reaching the Osher help desk, a partnership of Osher Study Leaders, mentors and Osher staff.  

To get started, click on the first tab, Propose a Course.  This will walk you through what you will need to write your proposal and includes the application for submitting your proposal.

Once you have submitted your proposal, you will start to design your course. Click on the second tab, Design the Course. This offers some guidelines as you build your course, such as what you want your students to get out of your course, whether you are going to teach this as a lecture, and/or use videos or music. As our target audience is adult learners, we have also included a section on how adult learners learn, quite different from traditional students. 

Each term the Support Committee and office offer an orientation for Study Leaders. Look for an invitation from the office to sign up for the orientation or view the Study Leader Orientation recording and Study Leader Orientation slides here. 

Then, moving on, click on Teach the Course. Here you will get some suggestions as to how to connect with your learners as well as some basic Google skills you will need in order to find your class folder, upload documents to your folder and to find your class recording. Other useful technical skills are addressed in this section.

In the fourth tab, Meet Our Study Leaders, we highlight a Study Leader of the session and include the bios of over 200 of our current and past Study Leaders.

The final section, Help, outlines the type of support we offer all our Study Leaders. The Study Leader support committee runs an orientation for all new study leaders which answers most new Study Leader questions, we find mentors to help you through your first few weeks of teaching and we do one-on-one training for any of your needs; building a slide deck, practicing on Zoom, anything you might need help with.

You have now joined an elite group of educators! Welcome to the Osher at Dartmouth family!


Call Osher for HELP! (603) 646-0154



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