Carolyn Hooper
Carolyn is an ecologist, educator, and certified health and wellness coach with more
than two decades of experience helping clients achieve optimal quality of life. She
holds an M.S. in ecology (U of MT), is a Fellow of Applied Functional Science (Gray
Institute), and a certified End-of-Life Doula. She is an expert on nature-based health
and wellness approaches and Celtic spirituality, and a frequent speaker and workshop
leader on developing active techniques for deeper nature connection.
Connecting with Nature for Health and Well-being (Spring Term 2019)
Participant Testimonials:
Carolyn Hooper is an excellent teacher. The depth of her knowledge and experience gave authenticity to this rather subjective material and inspired one to move forward. The course was well organized. The handouts were interesting and helpful, as was the outdoor component. Discussion and presentation were nicely balanced. Carolyn's manner and tact put the class at ease and encouraged the class to share personal experiences.
Great teacher with excellent credentials and experience from which she drew for her classes. Very personal view of nature and her classes truly connected us to nature by giving us examples, lessons, readings and instructional examples.