Patricia Norton
Patricia Norton does not claim expertise as a Proust scholar, but brings skill in
group facilitation, creative discipline, and mindfulness practice to this class. Patricia's
first paying job was as a musician, then a mime. Her poetry appears in various obscure
journals, she is a commissioned composer, and has created a lively and stable home
for her family. Currently she is program chair of the Juneberry Choral program at
the Upper Valley Music Center, directing the community chorus and giving group voice
lessons. A junior Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Middlebury College, Patricia has led
over twenty Osher/ILEAD courses, including the Brahms' Ein Deutsches Requiem, Emily Dickinson, Gerard Manley Hopkins, and John Adam's Harmonium.
Course Title: Poems From the 20th Year of Seven Centuries (Winter Term 2019)
Participant Testimonials:
"Patricia Norton was excellent as study leader, well informed, enthusiastic, encouraged class participation."
"A gifted, warm, and creative teacher who could make all feel welcome to speak, worthy of being listened to, proud to have made a contribution."