Stephen Hackman
Stephen Hackman is a retired schoolteacher. His subjects were and are English and philosophy. His interests are literature, music, art, film, walking, writing. He has an affinity for, and bears some resemblance to, vagabond dogs of uncertain provenance. He does his dog walking these days in Orange, NH and has lived in the Upper Valley, off and on, for 40 years.
Rousing the Muse: Exercises for Writers (Spring Term 2019)
Participant Testimonials:
Stephen is an experienced and accomplished teacher and was very good at modifying the class as it went along to meet the needs of the participants. He gave careful consideration to every work presented by the students and gentle criticism at times.
Stephen used lots of interesting techniques to prod us to write something new and out of our comfort zone. It was scary and enriching.
Writing in Circles (Winter Term 2019)
Participant Testimonials:
The instructor is a seasoned teacher and knows how to both encourage and direct his students towards improvements in their writing.
Stephen is a seasoned leader with tremendous insight , polished way of including all and I feel subtly gets everyone to shed any fear of "failing writing", embarrassment of what he/she has written and freedom to offer positive feedback or to ask questions.
Writing in Circles (Fall Term 2018)
Participant Testimonials:
This course has been more rewarding for me with each time I've taken it.
Steve's openness, humor, vast knowledge of writing and informal style set an atmosphere that seemed to bring out the best in all of the participants.
Writing in Circles (Spring Term 2018)
Participant Testimonials:
Stephen Hackman is very good at encouraging and supporting the efforts of his students while providing useful information and criticism.
The writing exercises opened my eyes to creative writing. Stephen was always enthusiastic.