Twyla Verger Borderolle
Twyla has lived in Bordeaux, France for over 30 years. She has an M.A. in French from
Brown University, a "Licence" in English from the University of Bordeaux, and French
national certification (CAPES) for teaching English at the secondary level. She taught
English language and literature to bilingual students in the international program
of a French middle school before retiring in 2017. She now resides half the year in
the Upper Valley and is eager to share her love for the French people, their culture,
and language.
Intermediate Conversational French (Fall Term 2018)
Participant Testimonials:
"I think Twyla's teaching methods were thoughtful and reflected those of an experienced teacher."
"She created very interesting, enjoyable sessions with plenty of time to converse. She was always very organized and innovative in her teaching techniques."