
Osher members and Study Leaders have written numerous books on a variety of topics. Browse a selection of these works below.

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Books by Osher at Dartmouth Members

Author: David Grante
Book Title: The Social Profit Handbook (2015)
Publisher: Chelsea Green
Available for Purchase: Amazon and Chelsea Green
Description: A guide to setting goals, assessing outcomes, and achieving success for mission-driven organizations


Author: Paul E. Brogane
Book Title: A Sprinkling of Stardust Over the Outhouse (2023)
Publisher: Page Publishing
Available for Purchase: Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Gibson’s Bookstore in Concord, NH
Description: A fast-paced autobiography that takes the reader from a quaint and charming New Hampshire town to the streets and boulevards of Beverly Hills. Heretofore untold stories of the author’s friendships with a plethora of Hollywood legends. Ultimately, the lesson may be to always be true to yourself and never give-up.


Author: Paul A. Caltere
Book Title: Squaring the Circle, Geometry in Art and Architecture (2008)
Publisher: John Wiley and Sons
Available for Purchase: Wiley, Barnes & Noble, and Amazon
Description: A study of geometry and its use in art and architecture, from the musical ratios of the Pythagoreans to the fractal art and geometry of today.  It was written as part of an NSF-funded project at Dartmouth.  See HERE.


Author: Jessica Aiken-HallThe Monster That Ate My Mommy book cover.
Book Title: The Monster That Ate My Mommy (2017)
Publisher: Moonlit Madness Press
Available for Purchase: Amazon, Barnes & Noble
Description: Mothers are supposed to love their children unconditionally, but what if they can't? "Your own mother doesn't love you—what makes you think anyone else will?" These words haunted the author and affected every decision she made.


Author: Narain BatraThe First Freedoms and America's Culture of Innovation book cover
Book Title: The First Freedoms and America's Culture of Innovation (2013)
Publisher: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Available for Purchase: Amazon
Description: This is a book about the dynamics of the aspirational society. It explores the boundaries of permissible thought--deviations and transgressions that create constant innovations.


Author: Katharine Britton
Book Titles: Vanishing Time book coverLittle Island (2013); Her Sister's Shadow (2011)
Publisher: Brigham Books; Berkley Books
Available for Purchase: Amazon, Barnes & Noble, iBooks
Author's Note: My three novels have a common theme: family secrets and the problems they cause. In each I enjoyed exploring how a story's location might inform its character and plot, setting Vanishing Time in South Carolina's Low Country with its rich history, Little Island at a family Inn on the Maine coast, and Her Sister's Shadow in the sisters' childhood home.


Author: Margaret CaudillManaging Pain Before It Manages You book cover
Book Title: Managing Pain Before It Manages You (2016)
Publisher: The Guilford Press
Available for Purchase: Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Guilford Press
Description: Provides state-of-the-art information about the causes and treatment of pain and guides you to identify what increases and decreases your symptoms, reduce your pain and emotional distress, make informed decisions about medications and nutritional therapies, and benefit from relaxation, meditation, and gentle exercise.


Author: Geoffrey DouglasThe Grifter, the Poet, and the Runaway Train book cover
Book Title: The Grifter, the Poet, and the Runaway Train: Stories from a YANKEE Writer's Notebook (2019)
Publisher: Globe Pequot Press
Available for Purchase: Amazon
Description: A collection of pieces in Yankee Magazine, written over the past twenty years. Some recount public events, widely reported; others are more private, the stories of men and women surviving, facing choices, living life: the last race of a luckless small-time jockey; a local police chief's terrible moral quandary; a young man's tortured path toward suicide.


Author: Gigi Gallaway Energy...(What?!) book cover.
Book Title: Energy...(What?!) (2016)
Publisher: Outskirts Express
Available for Purchase: Amazon, Barnes & Noble, iBooks
Description: Energy is a big deal. This is a groundbreaking book because energy is an important part of every human being as well as all living things.


Author: Suzanne HinmanThe Grandest Madison Square Garden book cover
Book Title: The Grandest Madison Square Garden: Art, Scandal, and Architecture in Gilded Age New York (2019)
Publisher: Syracuse University Press
Available for Purchase: Amazon
Description: The remarkable non-fiction story of the fabulous 1890 Madison Square Garden designed by Stanford White and the beautiful nude sculpture of the virgin goddess Diana by Augustus Saint-Gaudens, set on the garden's and America's tallest tower.


Author: Sarwar KashmeriChina's Grand Strategy book cover.
Book Title: China's Grand Strategy: Weaving a New Silk Road to Global Primacy (2019)
Publisher: Praeger
Available for Purchase: Amazon
Description: In the "Great Game" of the 21st century gaining leadership and influence in Asia the United States is rapidly being outflanked by China, which is investing in infrastructure, connectivity, and supply chains on an unprecedented global scale.

Author:  Mary KronenwetterKronenwetter Pauper
Book Title: Pauper Auction (2022) 
Publisher: Stone Fence Press
Available for Purchase: Norwich Bookstore & Morgan Hill Bookstore, Indiebound (independent bookstore finder), Amazon, online retailers, Amazon Kindle, Audible, and many local libraries and Libby.
Description: A gorgeous and meticulously-researched historical fiction examining a young woman’s struggle to escape unexpected poverty and find autonomy and purpose in early New England.


Author: Betty LauerHiding in Plain Sight book cover
Book Title: Hiding in Plain Sight: The Incredible True Story of a German-Jewish Teenager's Struggle to Survive in Nazi-Occupied Poland (2004)
Publisher: Smith & Kraus Global
Available for Purchase: Amazon
Description: It is 1938. Berta Weissberger, twelve years old, lives in Hindenburg, Germany, with her mother and older sister. Her father has already left for America, and the family is awaiting the arrival of their American visas. These hopes and plans are destroyed at the end of October 1938, however, when Jews are rounded up, loaded onto trucks, and driven to the Polish border.


Author: Raymond MalleyMy Global Life, a Conversation with Raymond Malley book cover
Book Titles: My Life and Thoughts, the Formative Years (2014); My Global Life, a Conversation with Raymond Malley (2012); Cold Waters, Being Notes Regarding Ship Voyages in the Arctic, Antarctica, and the North Atlantic (2018)
Publisher: Xlibris
Available for Purchase: Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Xlibris
Author's Note: The author rose to senior positions in the U.S. diplomatic corps and global business. His three books describe crisply and vividly his many experiences in Asian and African countries during the Cold War, his numerous diplomatic and business negotiations, and his adventures to the far ends of the earth.


Author: Geraldine NorthButcher Bird: Tales from Down Under book cover.
Book Title: Butcher Bird: Tales from Down Under (2016)
Publisher: Back Channel Press
Available for Purchase: Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Norwich Bookstore
Description: The author reaches back to her experiences as an isolated, yet carefree and inquisitive child growing up on the family farm during the 1940s and '50s.



Author: Margo Melton NuttJames Melton: The Tenor of His Times  book cover
Book Title: James Melton: The Tenor of His Times (2013)
Publisher: Hawk Pine Press
Available for Purchase: Amazon
Description: A biographical memoir about the author's father, Metropolitan Opera tenor and pre-eminent antique car collector, James Melton (1904-1961).



Eradicating Smallpox book coverAuthor: Alan Schnur, editor (with Gene L. Bartley, John Scott Porterfield, and James W. Skelton, Jr.) 
Book Title: Eradicating Smallpox in Ethiopia (2020)
Publisher: Peace Corps Writers
Available for Purchase: Amazon
Description: The book tells the tale of the work that some 73 Peace Corps Volunteers did in the 1970s with the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Smallpox Eradication Program (SEP), a massive project that ultimately eliminated smallpox from the world. This serious story is served up with large dollops of nostalgia, humor, delightful tales of daring, and loads of information about fighting infectious diseases, which — as it turns out in these times of the coronavirus — makes the book very contemporary. Even useful.



Author: Felicity Vaughan SwayzeWar Torn: A Family Story book cover.
Book Title: War Torn: A Family Story (2017)
Publisher: Felicity Vaughan Swayze
Available for Purchase: Amazon
Description: August 1940. A young father sends his wife and twin children through dangerous seas to safety in America. His daughter searches the past to answer her questions.



 Author: Sheila C. SwettDiscovering Mushrooms book cover
Book Title: Discovering Mushrooms (2017)
Publisher: Sheila C. Swett
Available for Purchase: Dan & Whits, Norwich Bookstore
Description: This is a collection of my photographs displaying the large variety of colorful and unusual mushrooms I have discovered, mostly in Sharon, VT. This visual presentation is NOT focused on edibility or scientific facts, but rather on their colorful visual attraction.


Author: Susan WaggThe Architecture of Andrew Thomas Taylor  book cover.
Book Titles: The Architecture of Andrew Thomas Taylor (2013); Money Matters: A Critical Look at Bank Architecture (1990); Ernest Isbell Barott (1985); Percy Erskine Nobbs: Architect, Artist, Craftsman (1982)
Available for Purchase: Amazon, AbeBooks, McGill-Queen's University Press
Description: The author's books include ground-breaking studies of three of Canada's notable architects, while Money Matters, which accompanied a photographic exhibition, surveys bank architecture in the United States and Canada.


Author: Carol WestbergTerra Infirma book cover.
Book Title: Terra Infirma (2015)
Publisher: David Robert Books
Available for Purchase: Amazon, Norwich Bookstore
Description: A finalist for the Tampa Review Prize for Poetry, this bittersweet collection journeys through grief and loss, reminding us, as Cynthia Huntington says, "how deeply our lives may be cherished.



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